Blue Corn Waffles

Blue Corn Waffles


1 1/2 c Blue corn as used for Tortillas
3/4 c All-purpose flour
1 tb Sugar
2 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Baking soda
1/2 ts Salt
1 1/2 c Buttermilk
2 lg Eggs, separated
6 tb Melted butter or margarine Butter
Maple syrup


In a bowl,mix cornmeal,flour,sugar,baking powder,soda and salt. In another bowl,mix butter with egg yolks and 1/4 cup of melted butter.Pour liquids into dry mixture,stirring to moisten well.Whip egg whites until they hold stiff peaks;fold into batter.Bake in a preheated waffle iron set on medium high heat or in an electric one set at medium high (375 degrees).
Brush grids with melted butter; half fill with batter,spreading slightly.Close iron;bake until waffle is golden brown,5 to 6 minutes.Serve hot with butter and syrup


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