500 g Flour (plain)
30 g butter or margarine
1-1/2 tea spoon salt
1-1/2 tea spoons sugar
10 g yeast - dry
1 cup -(tea cup) milk (fresh milk or lightly done milk powder )
1/2 cup moderate warm water
Topping / glazing
1 egg white
1 tea spoon sugar
1 egg white
1 tea spoon sugar
fish potato savory mix or
chicken or vegetarian version as you like
fish potato savory mix or
chicken or vegetarian version as you like
Add yeast to a bowl with 1-1/2 tea spoon of sugar. Mix well and sprinkle 2 tea spoons of water on it. Leave for 2 mints covered in a warm place.
Mean while add flour to a dry bowl, add butter and given salt mix well till it flakes out like bread crumbs. Make a hole in the middle.
Add 1/4 cup of warm water to the yeast mix. Mix well until dissolved. Add the rest of the water cover and keep for 10 mints in a warm place. The yeast should bubble up.
Now add yeast to the hole made in the middle of the flour mix.
Keep mixing and then add 1 cup of milk little by little until the mix becomes a non sticky ball (this mix should not stick to your fingers or the bowl)
Take the dough to a flat chopping board sprinkled with flour.
Knead well using your hands continuously for 10 mints until it gets fluffy and soft.
Don't break the dough in to pieces while mixing. Use the palm to press the dough.
After 10 mints sprinkle flour to the same bowl put the dough and cover with a wet cloth leave for 30 mints
(now its time to make the filling as you like)
After 30 mints dough becomes doubled the size.
Poke your finger to the dough then it will go back to its original size and leave again for 10 mints. After 10 mints separate the dough into about 11 balls.
Spread on a flat board sprinkled with flour.
Spread it in a shape of a triangle with a rolling pin or using your hand keep the triangle pointing up add the filling to the bottom of the triangle and fold the three edges like an envelope.
You can make average size of 11 buns.
Now for topping/glazing
Mix egg white with given amount of sugar. Brush the egg whites on top of each bun.
Bake the buns for 20 mints in 200 degree of Celsius in a pre- heated oven. Depending upon the size of the bun adjust the heat accordingly. Bake until the tops become golden brown.
Keep mixing and then add 1 cup of milk little by little until the mix becomes a non sticky ball (this mix should not stick to your fingers or the bowl)
Take the dough to a flat chopping board sprinkled with flour.
Knead well using your hands continuously for 10 mints until it gets fluffy and soft.
Don't break the dough in to pieces while mixing. Use the palm to press the dough.
After 10 mints sprinkle flour to the same bowl put the dough and cover with a wet cloth leave for 30 mints
(now its time to make the filling as you like)
After 30 mints dough becomes doubled the size.
Poke your finger to the dough then it will go back to its original size and leave again for 10 mints. After 10 mints separate the dough into about 11 balls.
Spread on a flat board sprinkled with flour.
Spread it in a shape of a triangle with a rolling pin or using your hand keep the triangle pointing up add the filling to the bottom of the triangle and fold the three edges like an envelope.
You can make average size of 11 buns.
Now for topping/glazing
Mix egg white with given amount of sugar. Brush the egg whites on top of each bun.
Bake the buns for 20 mints in 200 degree of Celsius in a pre- heated oven. Depending upon the size of the bun adjust the heat accordingly. Bake until the tops become golden brown.