Barbecued Lamb Steaks

Barbecued Lamb Steaks


One Lamb sliced into steaks.
One jar of  salad dressing.
One to Two jars of barbecue sauce, depending on the size. You'll need approximately 32 ounces.
1/3 cup (80 ml) Worchestire sauce
1/2 cup (125 ml) lemon juice
3/4 cup (175 ml) brown sugar
1/2 cup (125 ml) sugar
One Chopped onion (optional)
garlic or garlic salt (optional)


Marinate lamb steaks overnight or at least 4 hours in Italian salad dressing. 
Barbecue meat over low heat, turning frequently for approximately 2 hours on a grill. 
The meat will separate from the bone slightly when fully cooked. 
Other ingredients should be mixed for barbecue sauce. 
Using a basting brush, apply the sauce and continue cooking over low heat and turning frequently. 
Amount of barbecue sauce to coat with, and additional cooking time is a matter of personal preference. 
I suggest 1/2 to 1 hour additional cooking time for coating with the barbecue sauce. 


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